"How women attorneys are smartly leveraging legal technology to advance their law practices," Legal IT Today

Date   Sep 19, 2017

Johanna Zelman was quoted in the Legal IT Today article, "How women attorneys are smartly leveraging legal technology to advance their law practices."

On technology being a double-edged sword, Johanna said "I have a young elementary-age daughter and mobile access to my work enables me to spend more time with her, but it also interferes because I’m always 'on call.' The ability to get real work done wherever you are is extremely helpful in advancing a woman’s career, but it has to be tempered with cutting off work at some points throughout the day. Work/life balance is a conundrum. All female attorney mothers want to set good examples for their kids by being self sufficient career women, but there also needs to be a limit."

To read the entire article, click here.