Join FordHarrison California attorneys, Michelle B. Abidoye and David L. Cheng, for an overview discussion of the common employment issues that face employers in California, including the latest legal developments. Whether you are a veteran employer, or are considering expanding operations into California, this webinar is essential to understanding the pitfalls and common compliance challenges in one of the most highly regulated states in the nation.
The discussion will include the following topics:
- Trends in pre-employment issues: background and credit checks
- The latest developments on the use of arbitration agreements, class action waivers, and PAGA penalties
- Best practices for compliance with wage and hour regulations
- Leaves of absence unique to California, including new CFRA regulations
- Best practices for accommodating disabled employees
- California's paid sick leave
- Joint employer liability
- Employee protections against harassment and discrimination, including transgender employees
The program will last approximately 2 hours with an optional 30 minutes at the end for questions.
This program is pre-approved by HRCI for 2 hours of PHR, GPHR, and SPHR recertification credit.
FordHarrison is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for the SHRM-CPSM or SHRM-SCPSM.
This session was recorded. To view the complimentary recording, please click the registration link below.